Can be used daily in chronic situations of nervousness, tension, panic, and trembling especially if resulting from accidents, shock and traumas.
Scheduling status: S0
Proprietary name (and dosage form):
Tablets: each tablet contains |
Clematis |
0.15mg |
Rescue Remedy can be used daily in chronic situations of nervousness, tension, panic, and trembling especially if resulting from accidents, shock and traumas. Can also be used before any stressful events to help calm down and reduce anticipatory anxiety, e,g, before exams or going to the dentist. It also helps to prevent fainting due to emotional shock or physical trauma.
Dosage and directions for use:
Two tablets to be dissolved under the tongue three times a day. The frequency can, be increased to every half hour if necessary.
Precautions, Contra-indications and Side Effects:
If you are sensitive to any of the ingredients you should not take this product.
Stop taking this product if any adverse reaction occurs.
Patients taking any other medication should consult their health care professional before taking any complementary medicine.
Drops - contain alcohol and should not be used by people with an Intolerance or sensitivity to alcohol.
Tablets - contain lactose so should be used with caution by people suffering from lactose Intolerance,
Consult your healthcare professional if your symptoms are severe or persist for longer than 24 hours in the case of shock induced effects and between 3 to 4 weeks in the case of stress, nervous tension and mild depression or anxiety.
Avoid taking Rescue remedy within half an hour of chocolate, coffee or any other aromatic substances.
Gastro-intestinal disturbances are unusual but possible.
Storage and disposal information: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place below 25°C.
If for any reason you need to dispose of this medication, please return it to your pharmacist who will dispose of it responsibly.
Drops - 20ml amber glass bottle with a white cap with a tamper-proof seal.
Tablets - white securitainer with white securitainer cap.
Drops - clear coloured liquid. Tablet - a small white bi-concave tablet.
Please Note:
No medicinal claims are made for this product and all data is supplied for information only. This product is a dietary supplement and not a medicine.
Pinnacle Pharmaceuticals Ltd
15 Estmill Road, Diep River 7800,
Tel: 021 715 5221 Fax: 021 715 8205
Website: pinpharm.co.za
Date of Publication: June 2011